Disclaimer - I love everything about Moab. It was rough this year. Traditionally, yes, it's the 24-hours of Moab, but thanks to rain which began Saturday morning and did not stop until Saturday night, it was more like the 11-hours of Moab. The race was 'stopped' from 8:00 p.m. Saturday until 9:00 a.m. Sunday. We found out Sunday morning that the solo race was over (teams continued until noon), as having them head out for two/three more laps was not the appropriate way to crown a winner, and this was killer because Nat threw down on what was unknowingly the final lap of the solo race, he won the race and the overall Granny Gear 24-hour Series. The Tough Girls team I supported had a solid showing and did well considering the conditions and the fact that they raced in the uber-tough Pro-Am category. The course itself turned into a nightmare Saturday evening, sections completely disappeared, literal rivers popped up all over. The trail essentially acts as drainage for the surrounding desert terrain. Medical vehicles were more-less stuck and could not tend to victims of the course, even the giant four-wheel drive trucks couldn't head out. All said, we had a great time Saturday night. We built a mini-town by connecting four pop-ups (including walls), complete with tunes, industrial propane heater (thanks Derek and Lynn!), five cases of New Belgium, custom dug drainage complete with two mini-rivers right threw the middle of our mini-town, a taxidermy-i-fied bass, masseuse, plenty of junk food, and a sweet crew. This years race is one to remember, it's not supposed to rain like that in Moab! Some quotes from the race weekend: "If I had a barbie doll in my hand right now, I'd cut its head off!"---"Do I have pasta sauce in my hair?"---"Quick look, did I just burn off my left eyebrow?" - "The orbitz got Moab'd!"---"Are there any more words in the song Jimmy Crack Corn And I Don't Care, other than Jimmy Crack Corn And I Don't Care?". Lynn, Janis, Cat, Christina, Catelleta', Karen - y'all rule. Props to my friends (Chris) Fuller from Spot, Obrien from Niterider, all the Dirt Rag'ers, and last but not least, the entire Fisher crew, Myron, Jason, and Mike (Dam Brewery!), good times aye'. Note, Fuller from Spot was the dude at Eldora that ripped up the STXC on a dang townie, that dude rules. Peace, B