
Legs n' lungs - me hopes.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

RMR Training Camp - Fruita, Colo.

Pics - in no particular order - breakfast at camp, going Euro' for coffee, and good times at Saturday's dinner. I'll start this off with a few quotes - "Oh my god, I think I just killed something organic" - "They probably stopped so Blake could buy a gun" - "I'm not taking my chamois off until Sunday" - "I figured you guys paid enough for a helicopter, you'd have one come pick Dean up". Onto the story. Thursday - Took the entire day off and headed to Fruita early. Got in around noon, set up camp and relaxed enjoying some quiet and not being in the office. Went for a two hour spin on my new Giant hard tail, must say that I dig the new rig. Friday - More of the RMR crew rolls in and we head to town on our road bikes for some coffee. Took about an hour to get there as we were dragging without the coffee we were in search of. After a few cups of the good stuff we head back to camp. Unbeknownst to me, my left rear brake pad was fully engaged on my rim, I felt horrible on the ride back and was happy learn my brake pad was the culprit and not my fitness. Friday afternoon we take the mountain bikes to the Bookcliffs where the trails are super fine. Friday evening we start the campfire and cook our vittles. A little trick I like to play while camping is to stick some food under someone's tent as to lure animals and scare the crap out of that person. Well I decided to pick on the other Bryan and Jordan who were sharing a tent cuz Jordan forgot his. When no one was looking, and I still haven't told anyone about this, I stuck a big hunk of salmon under their tent. The next morning all the other Bryan could talk about was the "giant deer" that paid him a visit, to get a visual of his story, he held his hands in the air to describe the size of the rack on said salmon eating deer…I crack myself up sometimes. Saturday - We were all dragging due to a late night of story telling around the fire and "giant deer" visits so we drive into town to get coffee and meet up with the rest of the crew which now totaled 17. We all headed out for the Mack exit to ride the gnarly goods down there. Roughly two hours into the ride one of our stronger guys, Dean, wrecked hard. He was in absolute pain and couldn't talk, move, nothing. After staying with him for 15-minutes the other Bryan and I figured that this was not a good situation so we rode back to the trucks to get our cells and call rescue. Rescue shows up 20-minutes later with a gurney. There were only three of them so I volunteered to help carry in the gurney and their supplies. They gave Dean some morphine and we started carrying him out. Luckily the entire crew was there so everyone helped. About half way out a big ol' six wheeler met us and we loaded Dean onto that. Dean made it to the emergency room and they found his bottom two right ribs to broken and the right kidney to be lacerated, luckily no internal bleeding or lung punctures. Dean is still in Grand Junction fixing to head back later this week. He is one tough dude and will be back to riding in a month or so, bummer is no mountain bike for at least three months, he's going to be back to 100% soon which is great news. At this point Dean is in the hospital and there's nothing more we can do so we hit up the best and only Mexican restaurant in town for libation, food, and more libation. Sunday - We once again head up to the Bookcliffs for some fat tire madness. The drive home was miserable as we encountered massive ski traffic turning a four drive into six, oh well, what are you going to do. So that's about all I can write about Fruita this year. We're certainly doing it again next year. Peace, B

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Technology is Cool

Click here March 10, 2007, ride, for details of the RMR and friends’ group road ride last weekend. Thanks to Alan for providing this 411. Peace, B

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Hanover/Kato Crew

The Hanover/Kato Crew which consist of those of us living, 'studying', watching Seinfeld, etc. at 101 Hanover, Mankato, Minn., not Minnesota State, but to always be known as (we decided) Mankato State, got together this weekend for skiing and debauchery. I was the last of the crew to graduate from Mankato State, the name changed in 99', Rick from the crew may have slipped in w/Minnesota State on his degree, no one knows. Six whole hours of sleep the last two nights, magic markers were even in tow to 'tat-up' those that couldn't pass muster. This weekend was basically college re-lived, plus 10-ish years. Hard to describe for those looking in, these are basically the friends you decide to grow up with. In high school you're stuck with whoever is around you, in college, you decide to be friends with those you connect with, for us, the Hanover/Kato crew, we decided to stick together. Next report from this crew: Cancun 2008, and I've been tasked to bring a girlfriend of all things, zoinks.